Thursday 13 April 2017


Do you have that love/hate relationship with your scale as well????

When I 1st started this blog I remember being so focused on loosing those 50lbs but as time passed and I'm seeing the changes in my clothing my focus has now changed to inches.  I purchased myself a tape measure and took measurements with respect to my right arm and right leg.  Then I measured my bust, waist and hips.  My plan is to measure every month and focus on the inches lost more.

I remind myself daily that I can't live for the number on the scale. I need to go by waist measurements, overall fitness and endurance.  I also plan on taking monthly photos so I can note the changes in my body.

Below is a picture which shows some fat and some muscle that are equal in weight.  As you can see the fat looks more than the muscle however less muscle is heavier.

1 pound of muscle vs 1 pound of fat.

That's the main problem with the scale it seems to give the impression that you have not progressed when you really have.  As such, I'll continue to monitor my progress more by how my clothes feel and less by the scale.

Did you know you could be skinny fat?

This simply means that you can weigh 100 pounds however, your percentage of body fat is extremely high.

Weight fluctuates throughout the day, so we are lightest in the morning and heavy in the evening after all the food we've eaten and fluids we've taken in.

How can you track your progress:
  • Take regular progress photos.
  • Use other physical measurements such as your waist and hips.
  • Set performance goals - track how much weight you can lift, how far you can run etc.
  • Keep a diary - how do you feel in your clothes? are they loose? have you gone down a dress size? how do you feel?
  • Weigh yourself once a month or every other week to make sure that you are on track. Weigh yourself at the same time of the day in your underwear.

 Thus far my fitness journey has had many peaks and valleys sometimes I get comfortable and allow bad habits back in, but I never quit. 

                                             Health and Fitness is now my priority.


  1. Interesting read..i am enlightened

    1. Excellent...pleased to hear that the info was useful.

  2. Hmmm you have also inspired my weight loss (inches) goals. Very informative. Thanks and good luck on your continued journey

    1. Thank u hunni....pleased to hear that this blog was a source of inspiration...

  3. Inches are very important, it changes alot faster than pounds and can be more rewarding to see inches lost than pounds.

    1. Totally agree Keri...I know that all your efforts are paying off. Keep up the great work...

  4. Truth is I want it ALL...and fast too.When I weigh in I want to see less on the scale and when i wear my clothes,it must feel loose also.But the harsh reality is it takes time but the clothing size does reduce first.Thanks for the reinforcement.It was also therapuetic.

    1. I'm right there with u sister....want it all as well. Many times I have to speak to myself after jumping on that scale "it's not about d lbs focus on d inches".

  5. Hi Nicole
    Thank you for being a catalyst for me to get back into the keep fit routine.

  6. Thank you for all the support...

  7. Even us guys can relate to your story. This is some good advice.

    1. Excellent to hear that even guys can relate to the info in the blog. Thanks for the feedback.

  8. Hi Nicole
    Keep going,yes, you can do it.

  9. Informative, easy to follow, has the ring of truth of a traveler on the road to her weight loss goal.

    1. Lol the struggle is real being busy and managing a healthy life style...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Great Job Nicole!!!! Good Luck you can do it!!!

  12. You are definitely an inspiration!!! Woo hoo!!!
