Thursday 13 April 2017


Do you have that love/hate relationship with your scale as well????

When I 1st started this blog I remember being so focused on loosing those 50lbs but as time passed and I'm seeing the changes in my clothing my focus has now changed to inches.  I purchased myself a tape measure and took measurements with respect to my right arm and right leg.  Then I measured my bust, waist and hips.  My plan is to measure every month and focus on the inches lost more.

I remind myself daily that I can't live for the number on the scale. I need to go by waist measurements, overall fitness and endurance.  I also plan on taking monthly photos so I can note the changes in my body.

Below is a picture which shows some fat and some muscle that are equal in weight.  As you can see the fat looks more than the muscle however less muscle is heavier.

1 pound of muscle vs 1 pound of fat.

That's the main problem with the scale it seems to give the impression that you have not progressed when you really have.  As such, I'll continue to monitor my progress more by how my clothes feel and less by the scale.

Did you know you could be skinny fat?

This simply means that you can weigh 100 pounds however, your percentage of body fat is extremely high.

Weight fluctuates throughout the day, so we are lightest in the morning and heavy in the evening after all the food we've eaten and fluids we've taken in.

How can you track your progress:
  • Take regular progress photos.
  • Use other physical measurements such as your waist and hips.
  • Set performance goals - track how much weight you can lift, how far you can run etc.
  • Keep a diary - how do you feel in your clothes? are they loose? have you gone down a dress size? how do you feel?
  • Weigh yourself once a month or every other week to make sure that you are on track. Weigh yourself at the same time of the day in your underwear.

 Thus far my fitness journey has had many peaks and valleys sometimes I get comfortable and allow bad habits back in, but I never quit. 

                                             Health and Fitness is now my priority.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Why is running good for you?

Running is a great activity to get you in shape.  It can put you in a great mood as well as work out almost every body part.

Benefits of running are :-

  • Relieves stress  by encouraging your body to release excess energy and hormones.  It can also reduce the chance of developing tension headaches.
  • Eliminate depression by stimulating your brain to secrete hormones which can naturally improve your mood.
  • Loose weight  since it is the most effective method to burn off extra calories and it is the second most powerful exercise  with respect to calories burned per minute.
  • Prevents disease and improve general health by promoting good cholesterol levels while increasing lung function.

While running is extremely effective the diagram below shows the proper form to adapt while doing this activity.

Even short runs can leave you feeling more energized, alert and focused.  Remember take baby steps.  Start by running 20 minutes three times a week.  If 20 minutes is too much you can take walking breaks in between.

It would be wonderful to hear about your progress please keep us updated.......feel free to post your comments, thought, suggestions.....

Friday 31 March 2017

Battle Ropes!!!!!!

Battle Rope training is a staple in unconventional gyms across the country.  There are numerous reasons why they are one of the most functional pieces of equipment for high intensity training and hardcore conditioning.


  •  Cardiovascular and resistance exercise done simultaneously.
  •  Time saved with shorter workouts.
  • All muscle groups are worked on in one session.
  • Low impact.
  • Maximum calorie burn achieved.

You can purchase your own battle rope for home use as they are relatively inexpensive....start light for example a 10 or 15 pound rope and increase as you get stronger.

I've included a video below where Celebrity Fitness Trainer Nicole Chaplin explains stance, grip and form with respect to the use of battle ropes.  She also shares some routines.

Good luck guys.......It would be great to hear about your experiences with this exercise, feel free to post comments....