Sunday 12 February 2017

My Story

So everyone I am required to do a blog as part of my MBA as such, I've chosen to do a fitness blog since my weight has always been a challenge.

Below is an OLD PHOTO of me taken approximately FOUR years ago when I was at my ideal weight.  Having always been a "thick" chick as we "Trinis" call it the battle to control my weight has been a constant one. 

Over the last three years I gained over 50 lbs due to poor eating habits after surgery. I seem to be loosing this battle after falling off the proverbial wagon on numerous occasions.....😞  As such, I hired a serious personal trainer who will assist in helping me stay focused and consistent....😀

My weakness is sweets...... specifically chocolate in any cream, fudge, cake you name it I'm there......therefore, my focus will be to kick this sweet tooth to the healthy, up my water intake and focus on being healthy💪💪💪.

 So we go wish me luck  as I kick start this journey and feel free to comment💭on my posts........Let me know your fitness plans....... 🏀🎾🎽🏊.


  1. Thanks for including us on your journey. Please keep us posted as you reach and surpass each milestone. Anthony

  2. Hey Anthony thank you for taking the time out to comment....

  3. That's a weakness we all face chocolate and sweets, I hope the journey is successful, I look forward to following your journey

  4. Thank you. I think I'm the worst though....can eat a tub of Haagen Dazs Phish Food in one go normal normal...
