Saturday 11 March 2017

6 Reasons NOT TO Skip Legs Day!!!!

Barbell Squats

When you you strengthen your lower body, you are strengthening your largest muscles which are essential in the movements that you perform daily.  The lower body acts as the base of your support as you walk, run and jump therefore exercising these muscles are critical.

                                                     Me doing leg extensions.

Focus should never be placed on the upper body only this is a major mistake.

These exercises will:

 1. Improve balance - A strong lower body may help prevent a fall. Exercises like side lunges and dead-lifts will increase stability, develop muscle sense and ensure readiness for anything.

2. Increase metabolism - Lifting weights will help to build and maintain muscle mass.  When your body composition has more muscle, your whole engine runs faster

3. Reduce the risk of injury - Lower-body strength could be the difference between getting injured and staying in the game. Performing functional exercises, like lunges and squats, promotes stability in the knee.

4. Improve Stamina - Your lower half provides the power needed for every sport.  “A well-developed lower body will allow you to exert a maximum amount of force in a minimum amount of time, which in turn makes you faster and more explosive.

5. Burn more calories -  Challenging larger muscles requires more energy, which means your body will be burning more calories. Fun fact: Your gluteus maximus (aka your behind) is the largest muscle in your body.

6. Increase range of motion  - Exercises like the squats, deadlifts and lunges will improve your range of motion. Once you’ve got the movements and proper mobility down, you can safely tackle more weight and ultimately increase your gains.


How often: To change body composition it's best to rotate number of sets, heavy weight and speed.  This ensures that your body never adapts to the demands of your workouts.    

Most efficient leg day exercises: Free weight exercises tend to engage the core more therefore focusing on squats, deadlifts and lunges will be highly beneficial.

A certified trainer will ensure that your form is correct when doing squat's, lunges etc. to prevent injury.

                                                    Me doing lunges using kettle-bells.

 It would be wonderful to hear about your leg day routine.....

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