Wednesday 8 March 2017

First Weigh in

So today was my 1 month weigh in.  My trainer didn't seem too interested he just kept asking "how are your clothes feeling" but being the strong minded person that I am I insisted.......excitedly I hopped on the scale.

My excitement soon faded the as the number only decreased by 1 pound......😮😮😮....what??? how could this be???? 

I'll kill you......u lying wench!!!!!!

I only missed two sessions for the month but I've been putting my work in.......I was upset had to take a few minutes to what's my next step?

This is so me this morning about to flip out on that

Weigh in Wednesday!!!!!!!!!

                                                        How many of you hate the scale?
                                          Do you weigh everyday, every week or every month?


  1. Hmmm...i started weighting once a month but now im going to weigh in once a week. I only lost 8lbs in 3 months but everyone else is seeing results. Soooo take courage

  2. Thanks for the encouragement.....good luck to you as well on your fitness's hard but we'll keep plugging.

  3. I weigh every morning, saw a weight reduction since restarted my walking.
    I am sure you also will see and feel the benefits of your exercise routine and healthy eating plan.

    1. That's great happy to hear that you are seeing the results....keep up the good work.

  4. Not getting the result you expect can be frustrating but keep putting in the hard work it will pay off eventually

  5. It surly is I have to keep reminding myself that the weight did not roll on
