Wednesday 15 March 2017

How athletic clothing can boost performance

Dress for Success!!!!!!

This phrase does not only apply to the work place, it can also be applied to gym wear as well.  I remember when I first started working out I grabbed an old t shirt and tights and headed to the gym.  When I got there I saw most people were dressed in some cute outfits that's when I decided to step up my game.

The right clothing can:
  •  Boost your confidence -  if you are dressed appropriately for the gym you will feel confident about accomplishing your work outs.  'Enclothed cognition' is a term applies to the positive impact of wearing the right clothes for the job.
  •  Enhance performance - Ensure that clothes chosen for workout is made of a fabric that wicks perspiration away from the body (dry fit) . Clothing that is made of 100% cotton will absorb the sweat and hold it against your body and a top that is made of non-breathable material is going to stop the release of heat from your body. This results in excessive heating and discomfort during workouts.
  •  Adds protection and prevents injuries - Having the right shoes is important depending on the activity your are involved in.  Gloves are important for preventing calluses.  I tend to wear long sleeves for my weight training days as this prevents my skin from touching the machines.
  •  Compression clothing can aid in recovery - Studies on the actual effects of compression clothing have been a bit conflicting.  However, no study has shown negative effects with respect to wearing them as such, I don't think it can hurt to try as it is believed that compression clothing can stimulate circulation.

What are some of your favorite work out clothes?


  1. This is so true, not only for looks, but also for comfort, especially using the right footwear.

    1. Yup.......I realise when I use the dry fit clothing it keeps me cool during work outs additionally, I've found that Nike has some of the most comfortable training shoes.

  2. I'm that jersey and tights girl...but im getting ur point..look and feel good!

    1. Yup cute gym wear makes u feel to head to the

  3. Compression clothing makes a significant difference....Try doing jumping jacks in a yoga'll see.

  4. Compression clothing makes a significant difference....Try doing jumping jacks in a yoga'll see.

    1. LOL u just made me buss out laughing....just imagining d jumping jacks in yoga

  5. I am so happy to see how comitted you are to your goal.The right clothing makes a big difference, surely gets one in the zone to start and continue exercising.

    1. The right clothing really does help mentally and physically.
