Tuesday 7 March 2017

Importance of using a certified trainer......

About 6 months ago I hired a personal trainer based on a recommendation and when I met her she looked the part only to realise some weeks later she was not certified…….her focus was using fat burners, pre-work outs etc.  I lost the weight quickly however, within one month of stopping training I regained almost double the weight lost.

Two of the many supplements used previously

On starting with my current trainer he was impressed the 1st morning of training that I was able to push myself.  I later informed him that I would be honest I had consumed a pre-work out that morning.  He immediately stated, No we will be doing this the natural way as these things can have effects on your body.  He suggested a cup of black coffee, a banana and oats is perfect before training in the morning as this will prevent me from feeling light headed.

I would admit it has been a struggle as my endurance is not good at all.  However, over the last month I have been seeing gradual improvements in both my endurance and strength.  When I first started training within minutes on the treadmill I would me winded now I can complete 30 minutes without feeling like my heart is about to jump out of my chest. 

In my opinion a personal trainer is someone who:- 
  • Motivates me in a professional manner by using positive reinforcements………..I am not someone who willing goes to the gym so I need someone to push me. 
  • Prevents injury by ensuring that routines are done in a proper manner and that form is correct.
  • Holds me accountable……..just in case I miss my morning alarm bet your bottom dollar my trainer will call to make sure everything is okay.  He would also remind you of the importance of being there for carded sessions.  I can just hear him saying now “you not doing this for me yuh know”….lol.

Certified Personal trainers must be up to date with current fitness trends, routines and nutrition so that correct information can be imparted to clients.

My trainer Francis has been in the business for over 20 years and he is certified with the Coopers Institute in Dallas.  This certification is not done online and he has been there three times to renew his certification.

Some of his clients include Machel Montano, former Ms. Universe Janelle Penny Commissiong, the late Prime Minister Mr. Patrick Manning and so many more.

I’m on my second month with him and he has been nothing but a professional who has been able to get my lazy butt in the gym 3 days a week at 3a.m. From this month he has increased training to four days a week.

Wish me luck you all as I continue my weight loss journey.

What’s your fitness plan/routine?........I’ll love to hear what works for you.  


  1. I will invest in a Personal Trainer. Thanks for motivation.

  2. Yes you should. One of the best investments towards my health that I've ever made. I that a good Personal Trainer is key....my current trainer even wakes me up to ensure that I make it to the gym in the morning if I want....lol....I love this because it shows that he was interested in me being there for my sessions.

  3. That picture is 100% true, that is exactly how I feel after lol.

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