Tuesday 28 March 2017


Strength training can be used to broadly describe an exercise type that is designed to increase lean muscle tissue and improve muscular strength and endurance.  Upper body strength training focuses on muscles of the forearms, upper arm and shoulder.  Additionally, muscles that connect your limbs to your chest, torso and spinal column can be included.

Besides having arms that look good in a tank top Upper Body Strength Training is important because:-

  • Ensures good posture and form - Most persons suffer from some imbalance relating to posture which can be caused by every day activities such as, driving, hunching at your desk etc.  Proper posture can be achieved by toning back and shoulder muscles thereby ensuring that they are  strengthened them to hold the top half of your body up.
  • Reduces Injuries as we age - As we age muscles are lost naturally this is referred to as sarcopenia and it can begin in early 20s. Up to 40 percent muscle mass may be lost by 60.
  •  Helps aid the trim down process and boost metabolism - Engaging your muscles is the key to firing up your metabolism.Unlike cardio, strength training causes you to continue burning more calories for up to 72 hours after the exercise is over through a phenomenon called after-burn.

Some Excellent examples Of Upper Body Exercises are listed below:-

Back Exercises
  • Lat pull-down and Seated Machine Row

Shoulder Exercise

  • Overhead Shoulder Press , Lateral Raise.

Arm Exercises

  • Dumbbell Curl and Triceps Extension.

Chest Exercises
  • Pushups and Dumbbell Fly.

Chart showing some upper body exercises that can be done at home

What's your Upper Body Strength Training Routine........please feel free to share.


  1. Woh! Keep going. I need to start some of those exercises.

  2. Thank u....working on my strength training along with cardio

  3. Watching all these posts making me miss gym
    I really need to start back going to the gym

    1. Exercise has really been a stress reliever for me while doing this MBA and I definitely plan to continue so that I can achieve my goal. You should definitely start back the gym you wont regret it.....

  4. My upper body is sooo weak,but I am working on it.The journey seems long and hard but I am pressing foward.

    1. Same here...I'm a big chic but a little weight and I be bawling in the gym...lol

  5. Keep going, this will certainly yield great benefits.

  6. These posts are actually making me wanna get up and get fit!!!!
