Monday 6 March 2017

Intervals using the treadmill.....

Intervals, Intervals, Intervals!!!!!!

After two weeks my trainer introduced me to interval training using the treadmill.  My 1st attempt was 15 minutes in total.  I was asked to walk for 5 minutes then run for 1 minute. I almost did not make it to the end......sheesh..... 15 minutes seemed like 1 hour.  

By the 2nd month of the training the period of time spent on the treadmill for intervals was increased to 30 minutes total.  Just as was done in the past walk for 5 minutes and run for 1 minute.  The improvement in my endurance could be felt.  It was not as difficult as my 1st attempt.

Me doing Intervals

So what exactly are Intervals ………..They are workouts which alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery periods it is believed that Intervals increase fitness and burns more calories over a short period of time than steady-state cardio.


The treadmill was the machine of choice for today's interval training and is a machine that has stood the test of time.  It can be found in all major gyms and is used for burning calories as well as cardiovascular training.

Some benefits of the treadmill are:-

  • It’s easy to use.
  • Chances of injury is low as the surface is predictable as compared to sidewalks, trails etc.
  • Work out can be controlled by the user.
  •  Programs can be custom designed based on the user.
  • Superb calorie burner.

What's your cardio preference to get your heart pumping??????


  1. Thank you for the myself one year to reach my goal.

  2. Hi Nicole
    Thanks to your blog, I have resumed my walking exercise routine. Completed 12000 steps by 9am. Thanks for the motivation. I know you will achieve your goal. Keep going!

  3. Excellent ..... happy to hear you started, 12,000 steps wow keep it up....I feel much more energetic now.

  4. I am inspired. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you ......It's wonderful to know that I have inspired you.
