Tuesday 14 March 2017

Foods to eat

I saw this information online over the weekend and found it quite informative therefore I decided to do a blog so that the information can be passed along to you guys.

Best foods to eat for weight loss, muscle gain, after workout, before workout, increase metabolism, running, burn belly fat and negative calories.

Weight Loss

These foods help you lose weight by keeping fuller longer while containing less calories.

Muscle Gain

These foods are some of the leanest sources of protein and the best muscle building foods.

After Workout

Consuming a proper amount of carbs and protein after exercise is essential.  It will stimulate muscle protein synthesis, improve recovery and enhance performance during your next workout.  You should eat within 45 minutes of working out.  Additionally, replenishing lost water and electrolytes can help you maximize the benefits of your workout.

Before Workout
To maximize your performance and recovery, it’s important to fuel your body with the right nutrients before a workout.  A combination of carbs and protein is recommended for pre-workout meals. Fat can also be beneficial, but it should be consumed at least two hours before exercise.

Increase Metabolism

There are certain foods that can jump start your metabolism when you eat these foods as part of a low fat diet and combine them with a regular exercise routine, they can help you move one step closer to your weight loss goals.  Oatmeal, grapefruit, hot pepper, almonds are just a few that can be added to this list.


To improve your speed and performance, you also need to consider what you are putting into your body. The right foods at the right time can boost your running performance tremendously. Plus, you will reduce the risk of injury and illness.

Burn Belly Fat

These foods not only provide you with a lot of nutrients but also help you in reducing calorie intake as well as burning excess calories.

                                   Negative Calories            per 100gm

To explain the concept behind negative calorie foods. The food themselves contain minimal calories however, with negative calorie foods you spend more calories chewing and digesting these foods than the foods contain.  Some other foods that can be considered as negative calorie foods are spinach, baby carrots, apples, Papaya(Pawpaw), pineapple etc.

Hope this information was helpful as we strive to get our diet on point.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Nicole. I know it hasn't been easy! Wishing you continued success. Patrick.

  2. Thank you very much for the support....it's tuff however I'm taking baby steps......hopefully in one year's time I will achieve achieve my goal.

  3. Very informative, I love pawpaw though so I might have a problem there

  4. lol.....all things in moderation...happy eating...

  5. Anything with a local flavor Nic?

    1. Paw paw, pineapple,watermelon are all options Louise....depends on what exactly u are looking for. Is it a local meal?

  6. if only healthy food tasted as good as pizza or doubles lol

  7. This post was definitely necessary for someone with a "see food diet" like me...we see food and eat it! Hahahaha
